The Varsity and JV/Prep team compete in their local league, Michiana High School Hockey League (MHSHL) and the state league, Indiana High School Hockey Association (ISHSHA)

MHSHL Teams Include

LSJ Varsity and JV/Prep Warriors

St. Joseph Indians

Valpo Vikings

Southwest Michigan Blades

Riley Wildcats

Penn Varsity and JV/Prep Kingsman

Adams Eagles

Momentum Prep

These teams play each other in league play during the season at the Ice Box Skating Rink, South Bend, IN for a goal of winning the MHSHL City Tournament at the end of the season. City Tournament is the MHSHL League Championship.

All the MHSHL teams participate in the Indiana High School Hockey Association, (ISHSHA). This is a State level association. There are 4 other leagues in ISHSHA. 

Leagues Within ISHSHA

MHSHL (teams in this league are; LSJ, St. Joseph, Valpo, Blades, Riley, Penn and Adams)

Fort Wayne (teams in this league are; Carroll, Leo, Homestead, Viper)

Illiana (teams in this league are; Bishop Noll, Crown Point, Lake Central, Munster)

Hoosier (teams in this league are; Central Indiana, HSE, Zionsville, Carmel, Columbus, Evansville, South Stars, Bloomington, Westfield, Brebuf)

Culver (is an independent team)

The teams compete to play in the ISHSHA State Tournament. There are 4 classes of the State Tournament; 4A, 3A, 2A, 1A. Teams are placed in a class based on their game rankings and results from My Hockey Rankings. A team’s placement is evaluated each year.

Game Types

Each league plays other teams in their league these are considered LEAGUE GAMES.

When teams play teams from outside their league these are considered CROSSOVER GAMES. All Varsity teams are required to play a minimum of 8 crossover games each season.

The JV teams play all other JV teams within ISHSHA in a Home and Home series. The JV teams may be divided into in to two divisions if the total number of teams warrants.

Both Varsity and JV teams participate in Crossover weekends. Crossover weekends are hosted by a league. This provides the teams within ISHSHA to come together and play their required crossover games. Generally, a team will play 3-4 games at a crossover event.

Varsity and JV teams do not generally participate in tournaments, as their number of required league games and crossover games keep their schedule full.


To track LSJ Varsity and JV MHSHL League standings here: https://www.mhshl.net/standings

To track LSJ Varsity and JV ISHSHA State standings here: http://ishsha.com/index.php

To track My Hockey Rankings: www.myhockeyrankings.com click High School, then Indiana HS (varsity) for varsity/ IN JV for JV.        

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